Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Bhutan Healthier than Nepalese

Warm Clothes Drive for Disapora Bhutanese

The Rotary Club in Edison, Illinois started a drive for warm clothes for new Bhutanese residents.  The clothes were dropped off the local Unity Bank and were distributed to 40 households. Some people gave monetary donations for the Bhutanese immigrants.
“We strive to support the communities we serve in many different ways,” the report quoted Unity Bank President James A. Hughes as saying.
“We are pleased to be able to partner with the Rotary Club of Edison on this initiative to help some of the newest residents of our community. We hope local residents will lend a hand in making this difficult transition just a bit easier.”

For the link to the story, Click Here

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Bhutanese Wedding Time

These days many weddings are happening across the Dzonghka region of Bhutan.  The weddings always take place at the bride's home.